Hedgehog lyfe
My life has been inundated with hedgehogs. I cannot get enough of them. My love for my bed has been replaced by my love for hedgie snuggles. I want to take her to work in my shirt.
I want to buy all the hedgehog related things. Cross stitch needle minders (didn't need one until I saw a hedgehog one), floss bobbins, socks, planters, stuffies, stickers, purses, fabric, all the hedgehog toys and play stuff. I have dubia roaches on my counter, meal worms and snails in the fridge, crickets in the freezer.
And I'm still obsessed with cross stitch. I want to finish all the projects, but I can't. When I'm at home, if I'm not being Responsible Adult Penny, I have a hedgehog in my hands. So I have discovered a vaguely acceptable solution, as seen in the picture for this post. (Miss Hedge is in the hood around my neck.)