
These pages are full of what makes Penny Penny. Lots of crafts, rants, and fan girling.

Thank yer folks

It's official, today was the 25th anniversary of my parents becoming, well, parents. And, more importantly, they didn't do a bad job! 25 years and three kids later, all three have been/are in college, no jail time or drugs done, and we're all mostly healthy. So everybody should go thank my mom and dad for all the hard work they put into us kids.

Tomorrow is the Community College Fine Arts Show and Sale. What has the Fall 2005 knitting and crocheting class decided to contirbute/show?

Le Boobie Scarf! Made by one of my students to sell...and she's donating the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. This was purchased even before it went on sale by one of my Guild members for her mother (a breast cancer survivor.)

This is the Misty Garden Scarf from Scarf Style. The student who knit this is a beginner. She also hand dyed the yarn earlier in the class. Beautiful, ain't it? Another Guild member tried to buy this one, too.

Since we're on the topic of scarves...this is my Ravenclaw scarf, and that ball of yarn to the left is all that I have left to do, before Saturday night. Think I can make it?

The best way to celebrate your parents' success with child rearing? Finding out that one of your closest friends is pregnant. Yay! More baby knitting!

Behold! The power of Purl!
