I'm overdyeing Insomnia (see last post) because I'm not happy with it. Get it? Happy with insomnia? Har har har. The Wilton's violet paste food coloring has this weird blue creep that I don't like, so I'm experimenting with crockpotting.
I have to admit, I have a problem. I am addicted to the Harlot. Since her book came out, I've been trying so hard to not buy her book, at least not until we finished the taxes. Sure, I read her blog every day, but that's not enough!! So I bought two copies on Knitpicks today.
And, because I'm working on being more comfortable and original and happy in my body, I think I'm going to grow out my armpit hairs. I always threaten Mike that I'm going to braid his, but now I can braid my own! Besides, I hate how itchy they are after I shave them. I got the idea from Jodi, my favorite Knitty submitter. Steps one and two of being more comfortable? Comfy pants and comfy underwear.
Huh. I'm emulating Canadian artists. I knew it, I should have been Canadian. I guess living a hop and a skip from the border for all those years has left indelible marks on my heart. That and the neck ties they put on the phone poles, hard ice cream at gas stations, and Fort Steele. And our wonderful friends in BC, Louise, Karl and family. Quick, get the bocce balls! I'm feeling nostalgic!