Today, I got good stuff in the mail. It was all a surprise too, because it was backordered from two different places. I give you:
the fleece, for hand spinning.
See the little white sheepy guy on the top of the roving? Meet Eweclid. He's got a tape measure tail.
While we were waiting to get the glass put on the car, I knitted a lot ln Mike's sweater. Then I knit some more while in Education class.
I overknit it, an inch too much, which I had to rip out so that the stripes would match. When I get on a roll with this thing, I get on a roll.
To celebrate our new glass, we drove to Lemitar to get ice cream. If I can't have coffee, I'll just have to eat more coffee flavored ice cream. The bubbles in Mike's Coke at lunch were taunting me, and when kids bring coffee to class it laughs at me. Caffeine is so mean.